Recent Studies on the 'Philippines during the Spanish Period':
An excellent overview of historical resources on the Philippines was written by Luis Angel Sanchez Gomez in an article, Recent Philippine Historical Studies in Spain, Asian Research Trends: A Humanities and Social Science Review (Tokyo), #5 (1995), pp. 1-23. Among the works listed in Gomez's overview are the following:
Abarran Gonzalez, Benigno. 1992. Los Espanoles y las vias de comunicacion entre los diversos pueblos de Pangasinan, Filipinas. Estudios Humanisticos: Geografria, Historia, Arte 14: 41-50.
Alia Plana, Jesus Maria. 1993. El ejercito espanol en Filipinas: El periodo romatico. Madrid: Taba Press.
Andres Martin, M. 1993. Misioneros extremenos en Hispanoamerica y Filipinas: Diccionario biografico y bibliografico. Madrid. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
Banas Llanos. Belen. 1992. Algunas noticias de la Expedicion Malaspina en Filipinis. 1792. Revista de Indias 195-96: 251-270.
Borges Moran, P. dir. 1992. Historia de la Iglesia en Hispanoamerica y Filipinas (Siglos XVI-XIX). 2. Vols. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, Estudio Teologico de San Ildefonso de Toledo.
Cabrero, Leoncio. 1991. La creacion de instituciones benificas filipinas: El Monte de Piedad, de Manila. Revista Espanola del Pacifico 1: 89-94.
Castro, M. De. 1991. Franciscanos residentes en Filipinas at sobrevenir la revolucion de 1898. Archivo Ibero-Americano 38: 217-319.
Cosano Moyano, Jose. 1990. Una vision de Filipinas en el Reinado de Carlos III. Cordoba: Real Academia de Ciencias, bellas Artes y Nobles Artes.
Cuesta Garcia, Antonio. 1993. El servicio postal espanol en Filipinas. I, Descubrimiento Primera emision (1565-1854). Revisia Espanola del Pacifico 3: 75-84.
Diaz-Trechuelo, L. 1993. Un gran hispanista filipino: Alfonso Felix, Jr. Revista Espanola del Pacifico 3: 157-66.
Diaz-Trechuelo, Lourdes, A. F. Garcia-Abasolo, A. M. Prieto Lucena, and M. M. Manchado Lopez. 1989. Bibliografia espanola sobre Filipinas en el siglo XX. In: Solano et al. 1989. El Extremo Oriente Iberico.
Foronda, Marcelino A. Jr., and Conelio R. Bascara 1992. Manila. Madrid: Mapfre.
Franco Castanon, Hermenegildo. 1994. La Marina en Filipinas (I). El apostadero de Filipinas. Revista de Historia Naval 44: 61-73.
Gamella, Juan F., and Elisa Martin. 1992. Las rentas de anfion: El monopolio espanol del opio en Filipinas (1884-1898). Revista de Indias: 194: 61-106.
Garcia-Abasolo Gonzalez, Antonio. 1992. La vida y la muerte en Indias: Cordobeses en America (siglos XVI-XVII). Cordoba: Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Cordoba.
Gutierrez, Lucio. 1992. Historia de la Iglesia en Filipinas (1565-1900). Madrid: Mapfre.
Homs i Guzman, A. 1990. Sinibaldo de Mas. Barcelona: Caixa de Barcelona.
Martinez Cuesti, Angel. 1989. Los archivos de la orden de Agustinos Recoletos. In El Extremo Oriente Iberico, ed. by Solano et al.
Medina, Jose. 1993 (1896). La imprenta en Manila: Desde sus origenes hasta 1810. Valencia: Librenas "Paris-Valencia".
Molina, Antonio. M. 1992. America en Filipinas. Madrid: Mapfre.
Ortiz Armengol, Pedro. 1992. Pasyon filipina del hermano Pule. Madrid: Ediciones Otero.
Prieto Lucena, Ana. 1993. El contacto hispano-indigena en Filipinas segun la historiografia de los siglos XVI y XVII. Cordoba: Universidad de Cordoba.
Rodao Garcia, Florentino, ed. 1989. Estudios sobre Filipinas y las Islas del Pacifico. Madrid: Asociacion Espanola de estudios del Pacifico.
Rodao Garcia, Florentino. 1993. Falange en extremo Oriente, 1936-1945. Revista Espanola del Pacifico 3: 85-111.
Rodriguez, Isacio, and Jesus Alvarez Fernandez. 1993-94. Historia de la provincia agustiniana del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus de Filipinas. Vols, 5-6. Valladolid: Estudio Agustiniano.
Sanchez Gomez, L. 1991. Las princ-ipalias indigenas y la adminstracion espanola en Filipinas. Madrid. Universidad Complutense.
Solano, Francisco de, Florentino Rodao, arid Luis E. Togores, eds, 1989. El Extremo Oriente Iberico: Investigaciones historicas: metodologia y estado de la cuestion. Madrid: Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion internacional, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Article: Philippine Studies in Europe by Rosanne Rutten, University of Amsterdam
(This is an elaborated version of a paper written for the roundtable on The Current State of Philippine Studies Internationally, 5th International Philippine Studies Conference, Hawaii, April 1996. Reprinted with thanks from the PSG/ASS (USA) Newsletter, June 1997).
During the last two decades, Philippine studies in Europe experienc-ed a dynamic expansion. A sign of this healthy state of affairs is the periodic European Conference on Philippine studies. After several workshops in Germany, the first European conference was held in 1991 in the Netherlands, hosted by the Center for Asian Studies in Amsterdam, with 50 participants from Europe and the Philippines. The second conference was held in 1994 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, with some 70 scholars attending. And in April 1997 the 3rd conference was held in France, hosted by the Institute of Research on Southeast Asia in Aix-en Provence. Recently, there has also been a tremendous increase in the number of publications about the Philippines.
In this article I present an overview of the state of Philippine studies in Europe. I contacted as many Filipinists as possible to get information on the kinds of research activities individual scholars as well as institutions have been involved in. Although the information presented here is far from complete, it allows us to identify a number of important issues and themes common in these studies.
Colonial history.
Major historical studies of colonial history are undertaken in Spain, where rich colonial and Church archives are located. Some scholars speak of a renewal of interest in Philippine studies there following the founding of the Spanish Association for Pacific Studies in Madrid in 1988 which gave Philippine studies a prominent place.
Two current areas of interest stand out: the Spanish colonial presence in the Philippines and the history of Christianization and the religious orders. The church history is primarily written by members of the religious orders themselves, particularly the Augustinians, Franciscans and Dominic-ans, who are considered the most prolific writers. For instance, a six volume history of the Augustinian order in the Philippines was recently published under the supervision of the archivist at the Convento de Agustinos in Valladolid.
Scholars at the universities of Cordova, Madrid and Barcelona are working on the socio-economic and political aspects of the Spanish colonial presence in the Philippines. The leading researcher in the field of colonial history is Maria Lourdes Diaz-Trechuelo, whose works have influenc-ed many of her students. The focus of many recent publications on this subject include the Manila Galleon, 18th century commercial politics, Spanish investments in the islands, the opium monopoly of the late 19th century, and the colonial postal service. In Barcelona, several historians are also working with the archives of Tabacalera which are held there.
In the socio-political field, many recent studies deal with such issues as the Spanish army in the Philippines, the encomienda, the image that Spanish chroniclers held of indigenous peoples, and the conflict relationship between the indigenous upper-class, Spanish parish priests, and provincial governors in the 19th century. Much has also been written about scientific expeditions to the Philippines, part-icularly the Malaspina Expedition of the late 18th century. In addition, there is a growing interest in the Spanish presence of the 20th century, especially on the Spanish community in the 1930s and 1940s and the decline of hispanic elements in Filipino culture, including the Spanish language.
Several bibliographies of Spanish publications on the Philippines as well as overviews of Spanish documentary sources available on the Philippines in archives in Spain have been complied. One current project involves micro-filming the documents in the National Archives in Manila that are related to the Spanish period. Maria Belen Banas (Center of Historical Studies, Madrid) is now in Manila undertaking 2 years of research for this project.
Finally, plans are underway to translate Spanish historical works into English. The first publication to be translated is El Extremo Oriente Iberico, which gives an overview of documentation on the Philippines in the Spanish archives and the state of the arts on a variety of topics.