The Cebuano dialect of the Central and Southern Philippines is known to have at least 1,600 Hispanismos or words of Spanish origin. The Spanish linguist Antonio Quilis in his book "Hispanismos en Cebuano" published in 1976 made two separate studies to quantify the amount of Spanish words used in the Cebuano dialect. His first study which involved giving a questionnaire to three native Cebuano speakers concluded that there were 852 Spanish words commonly used in the Cebuano dialect. The second study involved an analysis of a 6,500 word Visayan Dictionary, and he was able to obtain at least 1,632 Hispanismos or words of Spanish origin. It is believed that the number of "Hispanismos" in the Cebuano dialect is underestimated due to the limited scope of Mr. Quilis' study, as well as due to the increased use of new technological terms in the Cebuano dialect borrowed from the Indo-European languages including Spanish and English specially Spanish-English "cognates" as will be illustrated shortly. Nevertheless, Don Antonio Quilis' book is a pioneering and interesting study of 'Hispanismos' in the southern Philippines. The list of Hispanismos in the Cebuano dialect as gathered by Antonio Quilis is shown below, and will eventually be shown in its entirety through regular updates as time permits:
LIST 3: Hispanismos in the Cebuano Dialect (by Antonio Quilis**) :
CEBUANO-------------------->ESPANYOL: Abaloryo-------------------Abalorio Abandonado----------------Abandonado Abandunar------------------Abandonar Abaniko--------------------Abanico Abano----------------------Cigarro puro Abansi----------------------Avance Abdikasyon------------------Abdicacion Abdikar---------------------Abdicar Abenida---------------------Avenida Aberiya---------------------Averia abesedaryo------------------Abecedario Abiba-----------------------Aplauso Abintura--------------------Aventura Abinturar-------------------Aventurar Abinturiro------------------Aventurero Abir------------------------Ver Abiso-----------------------Aviso Abito-----------------------Habito Clerical Abnegasyon-------------------Abnegacion Abogado, Abugado-------------Abogado Abogadohan-------------------tener las qualidades de un Abogado Abogasiya--------------------Abogacia Abolisyon--------------------Abolicion Abonado----------------------Abonado Abono------------------------1. Fertilizante 2. suplemento monetario Abraso-----------------------Abrazo Abre-------------------------Abrir Abrebyado---------------------Abreviado Abrebyasyon-------------------Abreviacion Abridor-----------------------Abridor de botellas Abrigana----------------------Aperitivo Abrigo------------------------Abrigo Abril-------------------------Abril Abrilata----------------------Abrelatas Absolber----------------------Absolver Absulusyun--------------------Absolucion Absuwelto---------------------Absuelto Absurbente--------------------Absorbente Abunda------------------------Abundante Abundansya--------------------Abundancia Aburido-----------------------Aburrido Abusado-----------------------Abusivo Abusahan----------------------el que Abusa Abusar------------------------Abusar Abuso-------------------------Abuso Abyador-----------------------Aviador Abyerto-----------------------Abierto Akademiko---------------------Academico Akademya----------------------Academia Akasya------------------------Acacia Akompanyar--------------------Acompanyar Akre--------------------------Acre Akrobatiko--------------------Acrobatico Aksidente---------------------Accidente Aksido------------------------Acido Aksiyonista-------------------Accionista Aksiyon-----------------------Accion Akta--------------------------Acta Aktibar-----------------------Activar Aktibidad---------------------Actividad Aktibo------------------------Activo Akto--------------------------Acto Akumular----------------------Acumular Akusador----------------------Acusador Akusasyon---------------------Acusacion Aktwal------------------------Actual Akumulasyon-------------------Acumulacion Akurdiyon---------------------Acordeon Akurdiyonista-----------------Acordeonista Akusado-----------------------Acusado Akusar------------------------Acusar Akustumbrado------------------Acostumbrado Adaptable---------------------Adaptable Adkisisyon--------------------Adquisicion Adilantado--------------------Adelantarse el reloj Adelpa------------------------Adelfa(planta y flor) Adisyunal---------------------adicional
** "Hispanismos en Cebuano". Antonio Quilis. Madrid, Spain , Edition Alcala. 1976
We are also including here a list of 'Cognates' as most Filipinos are already fluent in English, and the Filipino language itself uses a lot of Spanish and English words. "Cognates" are words that have similar or identical meaning and spelling in both Spanish and English. In fact, encouraging, and spreading the use of Spanish-English cognates is very practical and advantageous in the case of the Philippines due to the following:
a.) There are at least 5,200 Spanish words or 'Hispanismos' adapted by the Filipino national language.
b.) In the Philippines, about 2,700 persons use Spanish as the mother language; 800,000 Filipinos are Chavacano or Creole-Spanish speakers; and 1,800,000 Filipinos can speak Spanish as a second or third language with 20,000 Filipino students studying Spanish every year.
c.) English is the second or third language for at least 36,000,000 Filipinos.
Disseminating and spreading the use of Spanish-English cognates among Filipinos will simultaneously help the vocabulary and fluency of Filipinos in both Spanish and English specially in light of the fact that there are at least 20,000 Spanish-English cognates! This is a huge dual Spanish-English vocabulary that should be utilized and taken advantage of specially in the Philippine language situation, if only for practical reasons.
LIST 4: Partial list of "cognates" or words that have similar or identical meaning and spelling in both Spanish and English:
English------>Spanish Abbreviation Abreviatura, Abreviación Abdication Abdicación Acclamation Aclamación Accumulation Acumulación Administration Administración Admiration Admiración Adoration Adoración Affirmation Afirmación Agglomeration Aglomeración Agitation Agitación Allegation Alegación Animation Animación Anticipation Anticipación Application Aplicación Assassination *Asesinato Assimilation Asimilación Association Asociación Authentication Autenticación Authorization Autorización Automation Automatización Aviation Aviación Celebration Celebración Cessation Cesación Circulation Circulación Civilization Civilización Classification Clasificación Collaboration Colaboración Combination Combinación Commemoration Conmemoración Commendation Recomendación Communication Comunicación Compensation Compensación Compilation Compilación Concentration Concentración Condemnation Condenación Condensation Condensación Confirmation Confirmación Confiscation Confiscación Confrontation **Enfrentamiento Congratulation Feliciatión Congregation Congregación Consideration Consideración Consolation *Consuelo Constellation Constelación Consternation Consternación Consultation Consultación Contamination Contaminación Contemplation Contemplación Continuation Continuación Conversation Conversación Cooperation Cooperación Coronation Coronación Corporation Corporación Correlation Correlación Corroboration Corroboración Creation Creación Cultivation Cultivo* Declaration Declaración Degeneration Degeneración Degradation Degradación Delegation Delegación Deliberation Deliberación Delineation Delineación Demonstration Demostración Manifestación (protest) Deregulation Dereglamentación Derivation Derivación Derogation Detracción Desecration Desecration Desegregation Desegregation Desolation Desolación Destination Destino Determination Determinación Detestation *Aborrecimiento Detonation Detonación Dictation *Dictado Differentiation Differentiation Discrimination Discriminación Disputation *disputa Dissemination Diseminación Documentation Documentación Domestication Domestication Domination Dominación Donation Donación Duration Duración Education Educación Ejaculation Eyaculación Elaboration Elaboración Elevation Elevación Elimination Eliminación Emancipation Emancipación Emulation Emulación Equation Ecuación Evacuation Evacuación Exaggeration Exageración Examination *Examen Exclamation Exclamación Excommunication *Excomunión Expectation *Expectativa Experimentation Experimentación Explanation Explicación Exploration Exploración Expostulation Expostulation Extermination Exterminio Exultation Exultation Facilitation Facilitación Fascination Fascinación Federation Confederación Fermentation Fermentación Formation Formación Formulation Fórmulación Foundation Fundación Generation Generación Germination Germinación Gratification Gratificación Gravitation Gravitación Hallucination *Alucinación Hesitation Vacilación Hibernation Hibernación Humiliation Humillación Identification Identificación Illumination Iluminación Illustration Ilustración Imagination Imaginación Imitation Imitación Immigration Inmigración Implication Implicación Inclination Inclinación Indentation Indentación Indication Indicación Indignation Indignación Information Información Initiation Iniciación Innovation Innovación Inoculation Inoculación Insinuation Insinuación Inspiration Inspiración Installation Instalación Instigation Provocación Interpretation Interpretación Intimation Intimación Intonation Entonación Inundation Inundación Investigation Investigación (research) Invitation Invitación Invocation Invocación Isolation Aislamiento Justification Justificación Lamentation Lamentación Legislation Legislación Limitation Limitación Litigation Litigación Location Ubicación Maceration Maceración Machination Maquinación Manifestation Manifestación Manipulation Manipulación Mastication Masticación Materialization Materialización Meditation Meditación Moderation Moderación Modification Modificación Mutilation Mutilación Narration Narración Nation Nación Naturalization Naturalización Obligation Obligación Observation Observación Occupation Ocupación Operation Operación Organization Organización Orientation Orientación Ovation Ovación Overpopulation *Superpoblación Participation Participación Penetration Penetración Perspiration *Transpiración Perturbation Perturbación Population *Población Precipitation Precipitación Predestination Predestinación Premeditation Premeditación Preparation Preparación Presentation Presentación Preservation **Conservación Privation Privación Proliferation Proliferación Prolongation Prolongación Pronunciation Pronunciación Propagation Propagación Provocation Provocación Publication Publicación Punctuation Puntuación Qualification **Cualificación Realization Realización Recitation Recitación Reconciliation Conciliación Recreation Recreación Rectification Rectificación Registration Inscripción Regulation Regulación Rehabilitation Rehabilitación Relation Relación Renunciation Renunciación Reorganization Reorganización Representation Representación Reprobation Reprobation Reputation Reputación Respiration Respiración Restoration Restauración Retaliation Retaliación Represalia Revelation Revelación Salutation Salutación Salvation Salvación Segregation Segregación Sensation Sensación Separation Separación Signification Significación Simulation Simulación Situation Situación Sophistication Sofisticación Speculation Especulación Stagnation *Estancación Estancamiento Starvation **Inanición Station Estación Stipulation Estipulación Temptation *Tentación Toleration Tolerancia Transfiguration Transfiguración Transformation Transformación Translation *Traducción Transportation Transportación Tribulation Tribulación Trituration Trituration Vacation Vacación Vegetation Vegetación Veneration Veneración Ventilation Ventilación Verification Verificación Violation Violación (usually means rape in Spanish) Vocation Vocación SOURCE:
NOTE: A good book on Spanish-English Cognates is: "NTC's Dictionary of Spanish Cognates" by Rose Nash. NTC Publishing Group. 1997. Chicago, USA. This Cognate Dictionary has over 20,000 Spanish-English Cognates!!!
LIST 5: Espanglés is a term coined to describe the meeting point between the Spanish (Español) and English (Inglés) languages. This systemized study of English/Spanish cognates offers the learner a potentially huge stock of Spanish vocabulary words.
The cognates fall into suffix catagories which, for clarity and convenience, have been grouped under the following terms of grammar:
1. Nouns: Words which name things (woman, chair, city, dream etc.) 2. Adjectives: Words which describe things (pretty, happy, yellow etc.) 3. Verbs: Action words (kicked, smiled, goes) 4. Adverbs: Words added to verbs to describe an action (They ran quickly ) * The apostrophe (') in the Spanish words indicates the position of the stress. Nouns
There are many Spanish nouns that are instantly recognisable to an English reader. With slight modifications (usually with some change to the word ending and pronunciation) many Spanish nouns can easily be converted into English nouns.
English nouns ending in '-or' are very often identical in Spanish:
#1. -or = -or English * actor * color * favor * tutor * error Spanish * ac'tor * co'lor * fa'vor * tu'tor * e'rror English nouns ending in '-al' are very often identical in Spanish. #2. -al = -al English * animal * capital * hospital * metal * moral Spanish * ani'mal * capi'tal * hospi'tal * me'tal * mo'ral
Many English nouns ending with '-ist', can be converted into Spanish nouns by adding an 'a' to the end of the word.
#3. -ist = -ista English * artist * dentist * novelist * optimist * tourist Spanish * ar'tista * den'tista * nove'lista * opti'mista * tu'rista #4. -ism = -ismo English * idealism * sexism * budhism * tourism * optimism Spanish * idea'lismo * se'xismo * bu'dismo * tur'ismo * opti'mismo #5. -nce = -ncia English * assistance * licence * experience * distance * intelligence Spanish * asis'tencia * li'cencia * experi'encia * dis'tancia * inteli'gencia #6. -ty = -dad English * variety * society * electricity * city * university Spanish * varie'dad * socie'dad * electrici'dad * ciu'dad * universi'dad Adjectives
Many Spanish adjectives can be converted into English simply by changing the word ending. Almost all Spanish adjectives are either masculine (ending in o) or feminine (ending in a). An adjective's gender is usually dictated by the gender of the noun to which it is refers.
#1. -ive= ivo English * negative * expressive * positive * effective * offensive Spanish * nega'tivo * expre'sivo * posi'tivo * efec'tivo * ofen'sivo #2. -al= -al English * final * usual * local * normal * natural Spanish * fi'nal * us'ual * lo'cal * nor'mal * natu'ral #3. -ous = -oso English * famous * nervous * delicious * generous * ambitious Spanish * fa'moso * nervi'oso * delici'oso * gene'roso * ambici'oso #4. -ic = -ico English * romantic * fantastic * electric * artistic * automatic Spanish * ro'matico * fan'tastico * e'lectrico * ar'tistico * auto'matico #5. -ble= -ble English * horrible * impossible * terrible * probable * notable Spanish * ho'rrible * impo'sible * te'rrible * pro'bable * no'table #6. -nt= -nte English * ignorant * convenient * patient * important * excellent Spanish * igno'rante * conveni'ente * paci'ente * impor'tante * exce'lente #7. -id= -ido English * stupid * rapid * splendid * valid * solid Spanish * estu'pido * 'rápido * esplen'dido * va'lido * so'lido #8. -ile= -il English * fertile * hostile * mobile * juvenile * sterile Spanish * fer'til * hos'til * mov'il * juve'nil * este'ril #9. -ary= -ario English * secondary * literary * ordinary * necessary * voluntary Spanish * secun'dario * lite'rario * ordi'nario * nece'sario * volun'tario Verbs
There are many English verbs that can be converted into Spanish, usually by changing the ending of the English verb and adding 'ar', 'er' or 'ir'.
Almost every English infinitive verb ending in '-ate' (eg. celebrate) can be coverted into a Spanish infinitive by replacing the final '-ate' with '-ar' (eg. celebrar).
English Spanish create cre'ar calculate calcu'lar concentrate concen'trar demonstrate demo'strar estimate esti'mar exaggerate exage'rar negotiate negoci'ar operate ope'rar participate partici'par terminate termi'nar
Many English verbs (infinitive) ending in VOWEL + CONSONANT + T (eg. result) can be converted into Spanish verbs (infinitive) by adding '-ar', 'er' or 'ir' to the end of the English verb (eg. resultar).
English Spanish insult insul'tar consult consul'tar present presen'tar represent represen'tar comment comen'tar import impor'tar export expor'tar convert conver'tir insist insis'tir
Many English infinitive verbs (of more than one syllable) ending VOWEL + CONSONANT + E (eg. examine) can be converted into Spanish infinitive verbs by dropping the final E and adding 'ar'. (eg. examinar).
English Spanish accuse acu'sar adore ado'rar authorize autori'zar complete comple'tar converse conver'sar escape esca'par ignore igno'rar invite invi'tar imagine imagi'nar prepare prepa'rar organize organi'zar utilize utili'zar
Almost every English infinitive verb ending with '-ify' (eg. signify) can be converted into a Spanish verb by replacing the final 'ify' with '-ificar' (eg. significar).
English Spanish unify unifi'car simplify simplifi'car solidify solidifi'car amplify amplifi'car notify notifi'car modify modifi'car gratify gratifi'car justify justifi'car pacify pacifi'car certify certifi'car Adverbs
In Spanish, "mente" combines with (feminine) adjectives to form Spanish adverbs.
In English, "-ly" combines with many adjectives to form adverbs.
Adjective: Adverb: English---Spanish English----Spanish normal nor'mal normally normalmente natural natu'ral naturally natural'mente final fi'nal finally final'mente probable pro'bable probably probable'mente absolute abso'luta absolutely absoluta'mente exact e'xacta exactly exacta'mente evident evi'dente evidently evidente'mente complete com'pleta completly completa'mente
What are cognates?
The 'convertable' English to Spanish words are known as cognates, words in both languages which share the same Latin root and which are visibly and often audibly very similar. It is important to bear in mind that these cognates do not always translate from one language to another precisely. For example: "inferior" in Spanish may be used to refer to a subordinate in the work-place, without carrying any of the derogatory meaning in the English usage. In Spanish, "informal" means unreliable rather than casual. In spite of these 'false cognates', there are thousands of English words which can be converted into Spanish along with much of their English meaning (especially the literal) by following a few simple steps.
LIST 6: While there are thousands of Cognates to help make our understanding of Spanish a lot easier, there is also another group of cognates that can be confusing as shown in the following article. Fortunately, there are not too many of these false cognates.
Common False Cognates
Learning Spanish vocabulary can seem so easy: Constitutición means "constitution," nación means "nation," and decepción means "deception," right? Not quite. True, most words that end in -ción can be translated into English by changing the suffix to "-tion." And the pattern holds true for the first two words listed above. But una decepción is a disappointment, not a deception.
Spanish and English have literally thousands of cognates, words that are basically the same in both languages, having the same stymology and similar meanings. But combinations such as decepción and "deception" are false cognates — word pairs which look like they might mean the same thing but don't. They can be confusing, and if you make the mistake of using them in speech or writing you're likely to be misunderstood.
Following is a list of some of the most common false cognates — some of the ones you're mostly likely to come across when reading or listening to Spanish:
Actual: The word indicates that something is current, at the present time. Thus the day's hot topic might be referred to as un tema actual. If you wish to say something is actual (as opposed to imaginary), use real (which also can mean "royal") or verdadero.
Aplicar: Yes, this word does mean apply, as in applying an ointment or a theory. But if you're applying for a job, use solicitar. Similarly, an application for a job or something else you would apply for is a solicitud.
Asistir: Means to attend or to be present. Asisto a la oficina cada día, I go to the office daily. To say "to assist," use ayudar, to help.
Atender: Means to serve or to take care of, to attend to. If you're talking about attending a meeting or a class, use asistir.
Basamento: You won't run across this word often, but it's the base of a column, sometimes called a plinth. If you want to visit a basement, go down to el sótano.
Billón: 1,000,000,000,000. That's the same as a trillion in American English, but a billion in traditional British English. In other words, billón is a cognate in London but a false cognate in New York.
Bizarro: Somebody's who's this way is brave, not necessarily strange. The English word "bizarre" is conveyed better by extraño or estrafalario.
Campo: Means a field or the country (in the sense of living in the country, not the city). If you're going camping, you'll probably be staying at a campamiento or even a camping.
Carpeta: Although this can refer to a type of table cover, it doesn't have anything to do with carpets. It most often means a file folder (including the virtual kind) or a briefcase. "Carpet" is most often alfombra.
Complexión: This refers not to your skin, but to one's physiological build (a well-built man is un hombre de complexión fuerte). To speak of skin complexion, use tez or cutis.
Compromiso: Meaning a promise, obligation, or commitment, it does not usually convey the sense that one have given up something to reach an agreement. There is no good noun equivalent of "compromise" that would be understood that way out of context, although the verb transigir conveys the sense of giving in to, yielding to, or tolerating another person.
Constiparse, constipación: In verb form, it means to catch a cold, while una constipación is one of the words that means a cold. Someone who is constipated is estreñido.
Contestar: It's a very common verb meaning to answer. To contest something, use contender.
Corresponder: Yes, it does mean to correspond, but only in the sense of to match. If you're talking about corresponding with someone, use a form of escribir con or mantener correspondencia.
Decepción, decepcionar: Means disappointment or to deceive. To deceive someone is to engañar a alguién. Something deceptive is engañoso.
Delito: There's seldom much delightful about a crime. (Delito usually refers to a minor crime, as contrasted with a serious crime or crimen.) The feeling of delight can be a deleite, while the object that causes it an encanto or delicia (note that the latter word often has a sexual connotation).
Desgracia: In Spanish, this is little more than a mistake or misfortune. Something shameful is una vergüenza or una deshonra.
Despertar: This verb is usually used in the reflexive form, meaning to wake up (me despierto a las siete, I wake up at seven). if you're desperate, there's a true cognate you can use: desesperado.
Disgusto: Derived from the prefix dis- (meaning "not") and the root word gusto (meaning "pleasure"), this word refers simply to displeasure or misfortune. If you need to use a much stronger term akin to "disgust," use asco or repugnación.
Destituido: Someone who has been removed from office is destituido. Someone without money is indigente or desamparado.
Embarazada: refers to being pregnant or pregnancy. It might be embarrassing to be pregnant, but it isn't necessarily. Someone who feels embarrassed is tiene vergüenza or se siente avergonzado.
Emocionante: Used to decribe something that's thrilling or emotionally moving. To say "emotional," the cognate emocional will often do fine.
En absoluto: This phrase means the opposite of what you think it might, meaning not at all or absolutely not. To say "absolutely," use the true cognate totalmente or completamente.
Éxito: It's a hit or a success. If you're looking for the way out, look for una salida.
Fábrica: That's a place where the fabricate items, namely a factory. Words for "cloth" include tejido and tela.
Fútbol: Unless in a context that indicates otherwise, this means soccer. If you want to refer the the popular U.S. spectator sport, use fútbol americano.
Fútil: This refers to something trivial or insignificant. If your efforts are futile, use ineficaz, vano or inútil.
Insulación: This isn't even a word in Spanish (although you may hear it in Spanglish). If you want to say "insulation," use aislamiento.
Introducir: This isn't truly a false cognate, for it can be translated as, among other things, to introduce in the sense of to bring in, to begin, to put, or to place. For example, se introdujo la ley en 1998, the law was introduced (put in effect) in 1998. But it's not the verb to use to introduce someone. Use presentar.
Largo: When referring to size, it means long. If it's big, it's also grande.
Minorista: Means retail (adjective) or retailer. A "minority" is una minoría
Molestar: The verb doesn't have sexual connotations in Spanish, and it didn't originally in English either. It means simply to bother or to annoy. For the sexual meaning of "to molest" in English, use abusar sexualmente or some phrase that says more precisely what you mean.
Once: If you can count past ten, you know that once is the word for eleven. If something happens once, it happans una vez.
Preservativo: You might find yourself embarrassed if you go to a store and ask for one of these, because you'll end up with a condom. If you want a preservative, as for a conservante.
Pretender: The Spanish verb doesn't have anything to do with faking it, only to try. To pretend, use fingir or simular.
Rapista: This is an uncommon word for a barber (peluquero or even the cognate barbero is more common), being derived from the verb rapar, to cut close or to shave. Someone who attacks sexually is a violador.
Realizar, realizacón: The verb can be used flexibly to indicate something becoming real or becoming completed: Se realizó el rascacielos, the skyscraper was built. To realize as a mental event can be translated using darse cuenta ("to realize"), comprender ("to understand") or saber ("to know"), among other possibilities, depending on the context.
Recordar: Means to remember or to remind. The verb to use when recording something depends on what you're recording. Possibilities include anotar or tomar nota for writing something down, or grabar for making an audio or video recording.
Ropa: Clothing, not rope. Rope is cuerda or soga.
Revolver: As its form suggests, this is a verb, in this case meaning to turn over, to revolve, or otherwise to cause disorder. The Spanish word for "revolver" is close, however: revólver.
Sano: Someone who is sano is healthy. Someone who is sane is en su juicio or "in his right mind."
Sensible: Usually means sensitive or capable of feeling. A sensible person or idea can be referred to as sensato or razonable.
Sopa: Soup, not soap. Soap is jabón.
Suceso: Merely an event or happening, sometimes a crime. A success is un éxito.
Tuna: Order this at a desert restaurant and you'll get edible cactus. The fish is atún.
A final note: Especially in the United States, Spanish doesn't exist in a vacuum. In the United States, you may hear some speakers, especially those who frequently speak Spanglish, use some of these false cognates when speaking Spanish. A few of these usages may be creeping into the language elsewhere, although they would still be considered substandard.