Some Basic Spanish Grammar: Spanish------------------------>English: El-------------------------The Un--------------------------A Este--------------------This Ese----------------------That y-----------------------and 0------------------------or a------------------------to en-----------------------in entre---------------------between or among Comida------------------Food Pesca------------------Fish carne------------------meat agua--------------------water arroz---------------------rice cerveza-------------------beer Aqui----------------------Here Yo------------------------I Enfermo------------------Sick sed----------------------thirsty Hambre-------------------Hungry Dolor---------------------pain miedo----------------------afraid soccoro or ayuda------------help! Como esta?-----------------How are you? muy bien-------------------very good Come te Llama?-------------What is your name? Donde-------------------Where Cual--------------------Which Que---------------------What,so that, that, which con---------------------with me gusta...--------------I like... te gusta...---------------You like... Quien--------------------Who Cuanto?-------------------how much? Que precio?---------------What price? porque?--------------------because or Why? de-----------------------of or from Sobre--------------------on the alrededor de--------------about aunque-------------------although Si----------------------- yes or if no-----------------------no para--------------------for para que------------------so that sin embargo------------------however ni-------------------------neither pero------------------------but es---------is(use for permanent conditions,e.g.yourcountry of origin) Soy...--------------I am....(use also for a permanent condition) esta-------------is(use this to show location, temporary condition) Estoy...-----------I am...(to show location or temporary condition, example:Estoy enfermo or I am sick) tiene...--------------------have or he has... tengo...---------------------I have... Tienes...--------------------you have... No entiendo--------------I do not understand Hablas despacio-----------Speak slowly Hablo un poco Espanyol-----------I speak a little Spanish. Que quiere decir...?----------------How do you say...? Ensenyame-------------------Teach me Quiero a aprender----------I want to learn escucha--------------------listen repetir--------------------repeat mira-----------------------look here or look que hora es?---------------What time is it? donde vives?-----------------where do you live? Vivo en....-----------------I live in... Lo siento-----------------I am sorry Perdon--------------------Excuse me verguenza--------------------shy Gracias------------------Thanks por favor-----------------please poco--------------------- a little mas--------------------------more menos--------------------less cerca-----------------------near lejos-----------------------far alli------------------------there adentro--------------------inside afuear----------------------outside arriba----------------------upstairs abajo-----------------------downstairs ahora---------------------now hoy-----------------------today manyana--------------------tommorow ayer------------------------yesterday siempre-----------------------always tarde-------------------------late temprano-----------------------early diariamente-------------------daily anualmente-----------------------yearly bien!---------------------------well or good mal----------------------------bad asi--------------------------this way or that way claramente--------------------clearly mucho-------------------------much ciertamente-------------------certainly cierto------------------------sure nunca---------------------------never no-----------------------------------no cuidado!--------------------------careful! Arriba!-----------------------------the best!! Ole!------------------------------wonderful! Hola!---------------------------hello! Viva!--------------------------Viva! Pronto!-------------------------hurry! Maravilloso!----------------------Wonderful! calor----------------------------hot frio------------------------------cold sol-------------------------------sunny or sun lloviendo----------------------------raining Feliz cumpleyanyos!--------------------happy birthday! Feliz Navidad!------------------------Merry christmas! Feliz Anyo Nuevo!----------------------happy new year! Buenas dias!-------------------------Good Morning! Buenas tardes!-----------------------Good afternoon! Buenas Noches!-----------------------Good Night!
Here are more practical tips for learning the Spanish language:
1. The best way to learn spoken Spanish is to buy an audio CD or casette that teaches Spanish, and listen then repeat verbally to yourself what you hear on the audio cassette or CD disk while you are driving to work or at home. The best way to learn written Spanish is to buy a Spanish grammar book and read through it, then perform the written exercises.
2. Even if you do not know written Spanish, you may be able to identify more often than you think the meaning of a Spanish sentence if you are fluent in English and Filipino because both English and Filipino have over 20,000 words or 'cognates' that have either the same or similar spelling and meaning in Spanish as well!
To cite an example, the Spanish sentence "El Apartamento es grande" when translated in English means "The Apartment is big(grand)". Next time you see a Spanish sentence, do not give up right away! Look carefully for possible English or Filipino 'cognates' in the sentence. You can see a small list of "Spanish-English Cognates" or words that have the same or similar meaning and spelling in both Spanish and English at as well as "Hispanismos" or Spanish words used in the Cebuano language of Central and Southern Philippines.
3. Try to memorize or learn Spanish words either by browsing regularly through an English-Spanish dictionary or even more easier, by browsing through a list of Spanish words that are already used in the Filipino languages. There is a list of more than 1,000 Spanish words in the Filipino languages at
4. Here is a list of some other websites that teach you the Spanish language:
5. Make friends with Spanish speakers so you can practice your Spanish verbally! or visit Spain or South and Central America where you can "immerse" yourself in a total Spanish language environment, and practice the Spanish you learned!
6. There is also a Spanish language school owned by the Spanish government that is open to all Filipinos. It is called the "Instituto Cervantes", and it is located in Malate, Manila at the following address:
Instituto Cervantes de Manila 2515 Leon Guinto Corner Estrada Sts. 1004 Malate Metro - Manila. Telephone: 63 2 526 14 82/3/4/5 Fax: 63 2 526 14 49 The website of the "Instituto Cervantes de Manila" is at:
Go now, and have fun learning Spanish, spoken by more than 350 million speakers, and one of the most romantic and poetic languages in the world!!!